First Step Can Be The Hardest
First Step Can Be The Hardest First Step Can Be The Hardest By Ann-Marie Giglio Everyone wants to change their health and fitness habits. So why is taking the first step so hard? What stops us? Mostly our brains. One problem is a fundamental law of physics: simple inertia. A body at rest tends to remain at rest unless and until acted upon by an outside force. Overcoming inertia takes energy. But brains hoard energy. They need that whack from an outside force like a mean dog bearing down on us, or an upcoming family reunion or vacation, or bad news from the doctor to make us move. Another problem is our brains love stories. Sometimes stories are useful like when they help us understand events or motivate us. But from what clients tell me, their health and fitness stories are more often full of scary questions about the unknown: If I get in better shape, will I lose my friends who didn't? Do I deserve to be successful? What if I improve my health but my partner doesn't...